Acupuncture treatment of Hemiplegia:
Reasons why Acupuncture is effective:
Acupuncture improves bloodflow to the main cerebral blood vessels and especially their smaller arterioles. These effects can assist in treating vascular thrombosis and vascular hemorrhage. The improved cerebral small vessel flow can help to resuscitate areas of brain damage due to the stroke.
Also Acupuncture stimulates via the innervation of blood vessels, this also helps to improve blood flow.
Acupuncture can generally improve the strength of blood flow to overcome blood stagnation, thus improving flow to the damaged area of the brain.
Research has also shown that Acupuncture can reduce the blood coagulation, thus assisting in reducing blood clots.
The earlier the treatment starts the better.
Depend on type, location and size of Cerebral vascular accident.
Timing of treatment.
Earlier and correct treatment improves prognosis.
Emotional stress factors.
Acupuncture methods:
4 stages:
1st stage: Within first month of stroke. Mainly scalp Acupuncture plus Physiotherapy and some body Acupuncture.
2nd stage: 1st-3rd month post stroke. Scalp and body Acupuncture plus Physio.
3rd stage: 3rd to 6th month post stroke. Mainly body Acupuncture plus Physio.
4rd stage: After 6 months post stroke.Symptomatic treatment for Hemiplegia, Speech difficulties, facial paralysis and Hemiparesis.
Great post.
Great post.
Great post.
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